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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Oh, Relax!

So I had a boatload of trouble signing up for a photography course awhile back but eventually I just traipsed on down and signed up in person. Because I get so frustrated when things don't work out after 100 attempts and I realize that multiple attempts are Karma's way of teaching patience to an impatient person who has a tendency to exaggerate just a bit, I decided that speaking to a human while signing up for the course might be beneficial to my well-being.

I then ordered the books online because I like shopping online, and I got 2 books for the price of one on Amazon. Everything is now set to go. Every now and then, I crack open the books and get a big rush of excitement at the thought of learning something new.

I intend to go home to NL (ack! da woods!) for awhile this summer... tickets for me and the boy are already bought (hopefully he has a fluffy tail by then)... and I am excited to take pictures of all my childhood places.

We didn't take pictures when I was growing up. I guess it just didn't occur to us. We were too busy running around in da woods, camping and swimming and playing and building camps and having bonfires and dancing.

I certainly didn't appreciate the beauty around me. I didn't appreciate the beauty in the smallest of things. I didn't realize then and sometimes still forget that I grew up in one of the most picturesque places in the world, between a mountain an an ocean, in a forested area. I lived an hour and a half from a major city but there was a small town only twenty minutes away. A majority of my family still live there.

I often write about my home, 'da woods.' I rarely publish anything but that will change. I enjoyed my childhood. There were tough times but I believe everyone has their own story. Our story is interesting, extraordinary, worth telling and worth reading.

You might be interested to read about the time my cousin fell and became suspended between a tree and a shed until we could get her rescued.

Or the time a horse chased us because she thought we were her missing foal.

Or maybe, you might like the story about the time the police were chasing a bunch of us kids on the beach. Interesting, right?

In the meantime, I am reading students' stories. I am getting caught up on their lives and their work so I am able to be guiltlessly free during break.

Spring/Easter Break is only 2 days away. I have these days to get caught up on all my marking so my break is actually free and clear of marking, as well as worrying about marking.

All I want to do on break is read books, take pictures, and throw away garbage from my house. I have a lot of 'garbage'... aka pack-rat supplies.

And then, 10 beautiful days to relax.

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